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Studying Overlapping Territories/Canons/Identities

2010.05.19. 16:28 :: kelet-europa

Studying Overlapping Territories/Canons/Identities:

Comparative Perspectives on East Central Europe

Student Conference hosted by
the History Department and Pasts, Inc. Center for Historical Study
of the Central European University, Budapest;
supported by the CEU-HESP Comparative History Project
(25-26 May 2010, Budapest)
After 1989 there has been a sweeping wave of Europeanization, regionalization and supra-national integration involving thecountries in Central and Eastern Europe. This, however, did not lead to the obliteration of conflicting historical myths, prejudices, and negative stereotypes, which survived and in many cases, paradoxically, became reinforced after most of these countries entered the Euro-Atlantic integration structures. It is obvious that much more institutional and intellectual investment is needed to challenge these perceptions and develop more integrative collective identity discourses
Comparative and trans-national history is one of the most promising venues of building alternative narratives of the past. The last 20 years brought a veritable boom of such scholarly ventures in Western Europe, and many promising endeavours were started also in East Central and Southeastern Europe, from joint textbook projects, through writing the history of multiethnic regions to even more ambitious projects of ‘historical reconciliation.”
The Central European University in general, and its History Department and its affiliated research centre, Pasts, Inc,. in particular, have been at the forefront of such ventures. The Department’s curriculum is comparative, while the Center has initiated a number of major projects (such as the CEU-HESP Comparative History Project or the project on Hungarian-Romanian entangled histories) which sought to break out of the conventional framework of nation-centered historiography. Likewise, the Futures Continuous Project, organized by CEU students and faculty, brought together Hungarian and Romanian graduate students in an exchange program.
The aim of the student workshop hosted by CEU is to bring together students from the region interested in comparative and transnational historical research. Historical studies in this context are understood in a broader sense, also including boarder disciplines as historical sociology, historical anthropology, political thought, etc. The intention of the organizers is to facilitate a transnational dialogue among the participants and also to form a broader network of students interested in these themes and willing to be involved in further cooperation.
Constantin Iordachi (Associate Professor, History Department, Central European University Budapest,
Balázs Trencsényi (Assistant Professor, History Department, Central European University Budapest,
Damir Agičić (Associate Professor, University of Zagreb,
Kateryna. Dysa (Assiastant Professor, Kyiv Mohyla Academy,
Luciana Ghica (Assistant Professor, University of Bucharest,
Jaroslav Miller (Associate Professor, Palacký University Olomouc,
Slávka Otčenášová (Assistant Professor, University of Košice,
25 May
9.00 Registration
9.30. Welcome – Constantin Iordachi and Balazs Trencsenyi
9.40 Keynote Speech: Eric Beckett Weaver (Editor, The South Slav Journal) The Benefit of Being Bunjevci: A brief illustration of the comparative method.
Panel I. Overlapping nation-building projects
Klen, Barbara (Slovenia, Amsterdam University), Studying Overlapping Identities: The Illyrian Movement as a Case Study of Both Yugoslavian and Croatian Identity Formation
Coroban, Costel (Romania, Bucharest University), Overlapping Territory Between Romania and Bulgaria: From Friendship to Distrust at the Beginning of the 20th Century (ca. 1878–1916)  
Discussion of the papers
Kurhajcová, Alica (Slovakia, Matej Bel University), MemoryCelebrations – Identity
Majcher, Sebastian (Poland, University of Łódz) Situation of the Hungarian minority in Central Eastern Europe in the Beginning of 21st Century
Discussion of the papers
Kovács, Zsuzsanna (Romania, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj) Hungarian Youth’s National Identity in Transylvania
Pagovski, Zhikica (Macedonia, American University of Blagoevgrad) Europeanization of Multiethnic Countries: The Macedonian Path toward Stability
Discussion of the papers
Keynote Speech: Markian Prokopovych (Pasts Inc., Center for Historical Studies, CEU, Associate Research Fellow) Cities of East Central Europe under the Empires and Their Aftermath
Panel II. Multiple and Contested identities
Ksinan, Michal (Slovakia, Slovak Academy of Sciences, History Institute, PhD student) Štefánik’s Identity in Changes of Times
Kazejak, Izabela (Ukraine, Department of History and Civilization, European University Institute, Ph.D. Candidate) Official Policy and Local Popular Responses: Jews in Wrocław and in Lvov (1945–1968)
Discussion of the papers
Vascautan, Nicolae (Moldova, Vilnius University) The Religious Conflict in the Republic of Moldova: a Dilemma of Transition
Samokhvalov, Vsevolod (Moldova, University of Cambridge) Forgetting, Reviving and Again Forgetting the Balkans Contested Identities in the Ukrainian Bessarabia: Reni District Case
Bara, Anna (Russia, EUI Florence) Formation of Regional Identities in Russia
Discussion of the papers
26 May
10.00. Keynote Speech: Gábor Kádár (Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Budapest, Associate Professor) Shoah and Porrajmos. A comparative analysis of the persecution of Jews and Roma in 1944-1945 Hungary
Panel III. Cross-histories: Studying social and intellectual processes in a regional framework
Sakal, Ievgeniia (Ukraine, Kiev-Mohyla Academy) The Reformed Orthodox Teaching as the Product of the Inter-Confessional Dialog in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Tieanu, Alexandra (Romania, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj) Central Europe: from Mitteleuropa to the EU
Discussion of the papers
Jelena Lončar (Serbia, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade), The Development of Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989
Drabik, Jakub (Slovakia, University of Prešov), Anarchists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, their Self-reflection and Historiography at the Turn of the 80’s and 90’s of the 20th Century
12.40 Discussion of the papers
Panel IV. Comparing politics of history and memory cultures
Varga-Kuna, Bálint (Hungary, University of Mainz) The Myths of the Beginning. The Construction of the Magyar Conquest and State Formation in the 19th Century Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian and Transylvanian Saxon National Historiographies
Zaiets, Dmytro (Ukraine, Kharkhiv University) The Identity Discourse: the Heuristic Potential of Public Art Practices
Discussion of the papers
Svyetlov, Oleksandr (Ukraine, Kharkiv University), Re-assessing the Stereotypes of Past Conflicts (Poland and Ukraine)
Dmitryv, Tetyana (Ukraine, Ivan Franko National University, Lviv), Collective Image of Ukrainians and Ukraine in Modern Polish History Textbooks
Discussion of the papers
Dragomir, Elena (Romania University of Helsinki) Narrating the Past: Communist Nostalgia in Romania
Martynau, Alex (Belarus, Olomouc University), Lustration: a Modified “Peace versus Justice” Dilemma?
Discussion of the papers
Closing Lecture:
Charles Ingrao (Professor, History Department, Purdue University) History as a Destructive and Reconstructive Force in Central Europe

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