Kelet-Közép-Európa Blog

A blog Kelet-Közép-Európa és a Balkán történelmével, kultúrájával és hétköznapjaival foglalkozik. Itt olvashatsz programokról, eseményekről, könyvekről és tanulmányokról. Fedezz fel egy ismeretlen, de annál izgalmasabb régiót!




2010.05.27. 09:00 :: kelet-europa

Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization Courses, Braşov, Romania
16th edition, July
7 - 31, 2010

The Romanian Cultural Institute organizes Romanian language, culture and civilization courses in the 12th century citadel of Braşov. The program is organized in collaboration with the Faculty of Letters of Transilvania University in Braşov, Mureşenilor Memorial House and the Corona Local Initiative Group.
A multicultural environment, Braşov (Corona, Kronstadt, Brassó) was renowned not only as an important medieval trade centre, but also as a cultural and academic "fortress". Braşov is the place where the first spark of an anticommunist uprising was lit in November 1987. Now the city has 300.000 inhabitants.
The structure of the program
A. Intensive Romanian language courses
Study levels:
1. Beginner (Elementary) level (A1 and A2)
2. Intermediate level (B1 and B2)
3. Advanced level (C1 and C2)
The participants are enrolled in several study groups (8-12 students each), based on an initial language test.
Certificate: At the end of the program the Faculty of Letters of Transylvania University - Braşov will provide the participants with certificates of language proficiency and the Romanian Cultural Institute will provide a certificate of attendance.
B. Courses in Romanian culture and civilization
Lectures, given in English and/or Romanian, cover history, literature, cinema, politics, and journalism.
C. Creative workshops
Creative writing (for advanced students), 19th century ball dancing, gastronomy, 19th century costumes, handicrafts
D. Film screenings
E. Cultural and sightseeing program
Fieldtrips will be organized during weekends but also on weekdays in the Old City of Braşov, Sibiu, the fortified Saxon fortresses around Braşov and Sibiu (Hărman, Prejmer, Viscri) the Castle of Bran, the Rupea fortress, the Cezar Petrescu Memorial House in Buşteni, the Peleş Complex in Sinaia (Peleş, Pelişor, Foişor), the George Enescu Memorial House in Sinaia and a traditional village.
F. International evening
Accomodation will be in three stars locations in Braşov in the city center or at a short walking distance from it.
Participation Fee: 1.000 EUROS
The participation fee covers the following expenses: registration, tuition, workshops and other additional activities included in the program.The costs for hotel accommodations, trips, entrance fees and meals will be covered by the Romanian Cultural Institute.
The deadline for application is June 25, 2010.
Places exempted from participation fee:
The Romanian Cultural Institute offers 4 places totally exempted from participation fee and 2 places with 50% exemption. These places are intended for students in Romanian studies departments abroad, and for those who use the Romanian language in their scientific documentation, translation or they are editing works about Romanian culture and civilization.
The deadline for application for the places exempted from participation fee is June 15, 2010.
For more details (including application) please go to:, or check out our dedicated page on Facebook (!/profile.php?id=100000752686414&ref=ts), with news about  venues, lecturers, trips, etc.
For additional information:
Cursuri de limbă, cultură şi civilizaţie românească
Domestic Programs Department (Direcţia Relaţii Interne)
38, Aleea Alexandru 011824, Sector 1 - Bucharest, Romania
Tel: 031 71 00 672, fax:  021 23 01 373



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Címkék: románia kelet európa brassó

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